Job Watch Free Legal Advice

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Workers` Rights Clinic in your area can only offer legal advice by phone. We will confirm the location of your appointment during the planning process. The Workers` Rights Clinic provides low-income and unemployed people with free, confidential information about their legal rights related to work in California. Our free national legal aid is supported by donations. Help us ensure equal access to justice and continue to help those who need it most. For more free online information about your rights at work, check out our 100+ fact sheets, toolkits and sample letters, as well as our Know Your Rights Guide for Black Workers. We`re excited to announce our new web series, where various Nevada legal employees will host video and audio content to learn about important news, changes in legal restrictions, and more. Our roadmap for this particular series includes many ways to listen and see. JobWatch is an employment rights legal centre that supports Queensland workers with their rights at work. Our team of knowledgeable legal experts and pro bono professionals provide personal support to help individuals and families make the most of and use all available legal resources. We recognize that many Nevada residents face disadvantage and financial hardship when it comes to finding legal aid. Access to legal aid is closer than you think.

Nevada Legal Services is available in various parts of the state of Nevada and legal assistance is provided by some of the state`s top legal experts who want to make a difference in the lives of people in their community. Nevada Legal Services has a responsibility to promote legal assistance in seeking justice for those who need it most. We publish a series of legal education fact sheets for employees who have problems at work. Learn about employment contracts, casual work, unfair dismissal, discrimination and more. With the generous support of the legal community, funders, foundations and other donors, Legal Aid at Work offers four main services: IDES contracts with private law firms to provide free legal services (advice and/or representation at IDES administrative hearings) to eligible candidates and small employers. These independent law firms are not part of IDES. Representation at your hearing is not automatic and depends in part on the facts of your case. Ask for free help with civil (non-criminal) legal matters. People aged 60 and over should call the Senior Helpline. We condemn the brutal murder of George Floyd and all Black, Indigenous and other people of color (BIPOC) by police and others who oppress them, whether in Minnesota, Oregon or anywhere else in our country. As legal aid organizations, our mission is to bring justice to Oregon`s low-income communities by providing a full range of civil justice services of the highest quality.

We emphasize our clients` right to determine our solutions to the problems they face, and our clients have long told us that racial discrimination is a major barrier to escaping poverty. We are accountable to our clients for working to reduce systemic racism and white supremacy while fighting for economic justice on their behalf. Lawyers and staff across the state will continue to work together to bring equality, justice and integrity to our communities and our legal system. If you`ve experienced sexual harassment or discrimination in the workplace, we`re here to help. We support you with legal information and ad hoc advice up to continuous representation. The Workers` Rights Clinic is free, but we only serve people with incomes below the following amounts: You must meet certain requirements to qualify for free legal aid. Find out if you qualify by filling out our easy-to-understand intake form. Nevada Legal Services provides free legal resources to low-income families, women, minorities, people with disabilities, and others in need throughout the state.

We offer a variety of legal assistance to ensure Nevadans are not denied the right to fair justice. Fill out the online registration form below to see if you qualify for our free legal services. The information is confidential. Let us give you the help you need now. JobWatch operates a free and confidential telephone information service that provides information and money transfer services to Queensland workers. JobWatch is proud to present its revised and updated COVID-19 Q&A resources for COVID-19 workplace issues in 2022. We offer services in Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese and many other languages. Call the numbers below to make an appointment near you. Legal Aid Services of Oregon and Oregon Law Center stand in solidarity with the black community. If you make an appointment at one location, do not make another appointment until you have received an initial consultation. Click on the photos below to find out what types of issues we`re addressing and what communities we`re serving. Legal Aid at Work`s other clinics and hotlines provide information on other areas of law.

Please use the following links for more information: For people who are currently unemployed, eligibility is based on the salary of your last job and the duration of your unemployment. All locations in our Workers` Rights Clinic offer the same counselling services. Our online app is an easy-to-follow interactive interview that walks you through the registration steps. Visit the JobWatch website for fact sheets and self-expression kits on various employment-related issues. Please note that the JobWatch telephone information service is closed on Victorian public holidays. For workers in other parts of California, call (415) 404-9093‬ to schedule a clinic appointment. We host a variety of events throughout the year, including educational seminars on impactful topics, Ask A Lawyer events, legal fairs and much more! JobWatch was featured on ABC News on October 12, 2022, commenting on pandemic-related changes in the employment landscape. Applications for unemployment benefits are filed online on the North Carolina Division of Employment Security (DES) website. The claim in the following video that applications for unemployment benefits can be made at a local DES office is no longer correct.

Claims for unemployment benefits can take anywhere from 12 to 20 weeks, depending on the current level of unemployment in the state of North Carolina. The statement in the video that a right to unemployment benefit is valid for 13 weeks is not correct. Employment is extremely important for the financial security, independence and self-esteem of victims of family violence. We support Victorian workers whose work has been affected by the PV. We know it can be difficult to find time to call during the day, which is why our telephone information service is open until late at night on Wednesday evenings until 8.30pm – to support more people at a time that suits them. Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

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