States with Strictest Abortion Laws

Background: In recent years, when Democrats had full control of state government, lawmakers rescinded abortion restrictions. They ended strict building regulations for facilities where abortions are performed and eliminated requirements that a patient seeking an abortion must go through a 24-hour waiting period and an ultrasound. Supporters said the changes would make Virginia a haven for abortions in the South. Republican victories in November`s election have shaken the state`s political landscape, but Senate Democrats have rejected several measures that would have restricted access to abortion during the 2022 legislature. Next steps: Major changes are unlikely unless former Gov. Paul LePage, a Republican, ousts Mills and Republicans take control of both houses of the legislature in November. LePage, a Catholic who opposes abortion rights, said it`s up to lawmakers to tackle the abortion problem as they see fit. Kentucky bans abortions after 20 weeks, but all abortion services were temporarily halted in April after lawmakers imposed new restrictions and reporting requirements on the state`s two abortion clinics. The clinics, both located in Louisville, said they suspended abortions because state officials had not written guidelines to comply with the new law. Failure to comply with the law could result in hefty fines, penalties for crimes, and revocation of medical licenses and establishment permits.

Abortions were allowed to resume after a federal judge temporarily blocked key parts of the law on June 30, including a provision banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. With the reversal of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2022, abortion policy and reproductive rights are in the hands of all states. Half of U.S. states are expected to ban abortion within days and weeks of the court`s decision removing the constitutional right to abortion. Background: All abortion restrictions imposed by New Hampshire prior to Roe v. Wade were not enforced after the landmark 1973 decision and were completely repealed in 1997. The state had no restrictions until January, when an abortion ban was enacted after 24 weeks of pregnancy. In June, an exception was added for cases where the fetus was diagnosed with « abnormalities incompatible with life. » In anticipation of the Supreme Court trial, Democrats tried unsuccessfully this year to enshrine abortion rights in state law and the state constitution.

Governor Chris Sununu describes himself as a pro-choice and says he is determined to uphold Roe v. Wade, but he also boasted, « I`ve done more on the pro-life issue than anyone else. » Background: The state has restricted abortion for years and introduced two new restrictions in the wake of the Supreme Court decision – a « trigger law » that struck down nearly all abortions in Roe v. Wade and an abortion ban after 18 weeks a year earlier. Background: The right to abortion is protected by Maryland law. The state passed a law in 1991 to protect abortion rights should the Supreme Court restrict access. Voters approved the law in 1992 with 62% of the vote. Maryland law prohibits restrictions on abortion before viability. Maryland has no pregnancy limit. After viability, clinicians make the decision based on the clinical standard of care.

Impact of Supreme Court decision: In Iowa, nothing changed immediately. The GOP-controlled legislature worked to put an amendment on the ballot in 2024 that would declare that the state constitution does not grant abortion rights, but overturned with Roe, the Iowa legislature can ban abortion without completing this lengthy process. South Carolina`s regular session of the General Assembly ended in May, but Republican leaders had agreed they could return to a special session to deal with more restrictive abortion laws if the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade. You have not yet announced a special meeting. Some Republican lawmakers have opposed a complete ban on abortion, especially with no exceptions for rape and incest victims. Mechanism: Goes into effect 30 days after Roe`s fall, with no further action required Political control: Republicans who control Pennsylvania`s legislature are hostile to abortion rights, but the state`s Democratic governor is a staunch supporter and has vetoed three GOP bills in five years that would have added restrictions beyond the state`s 24-week limit.

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