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Many international trade and legal issues will involve these concepts. It is rare that there are companies that can afford to seek formal advice on all matters for commercial or financial reasons. As a result, practical solutions are often implemented for many years before it turns out that a law, regulation or official policy has been neglected. In particular, the exact terms of the contract, especially in formal agreements, are often ignored in normal operation, as business partners practically deal with matters that are not related to the terms of the contract or that contradict the terms of the contract. If such companies are subsequently acquired or subject to other transactions, the difference between de jure and de facto will often be a matter of lawyers and businessmen that must be worked out jointly. ¿Quieres añadir alguna palabra, frase o traducción? Ten en cuenta que los términos de la lista de vocabulario solo están disponibles en este navegador. En cuanto los hayas transferido al Entrenador de vocabulario estarán disponibles desde cualquier dispositivo. ¡También tienes gratis nuestro Diccionario en línea PONS para iOS y Android! The current expressions « de facto » and « de jure » (pronunciation: dee fak-toh/di joo r-ee: origin: Latin) are closely related terms. De facto means a state of affairs that is true but not officially sanctioned. De jure, on the other hand, means a state of affairs that is in accordance with the law (i.e. that is officially sanctioned). Most often, these terms are used to describe the source of authority of a company or head of government, but they apply to a variety of situations. Here are some examples of sentences that use sentences: Please note that these phrases are used as adjectives, and as with other Latin or foreign language loanwords in English, they are usually written in italics.

¿Cómo puedo transferir las traducciones al Entrenador de vocabulario? As you can see, de facto refers to facts that apply for practical reasons, while de jure refers to the formal and official status of the case.

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