Noxious Legal Meaning

Harmful; Offensive; offensive to the smell. Rex v. White, 1 caves, 337. The word « harmful » implies the complex idea of both unhappiness and insult. Id. harmful, deadly, harmful, harmful, significantly extremely harmful. Harmful means irreparable harm caused by harm or insidious deterioration or undermining. The claim that pornography has a harmful effect on society implies harm through poisoning or destruction. The fateful notion that discipline destroys harmful creativity applies to what is both offensive and harmful to the health of a body or mind.

Harmful chemical fumes apply to what often has an unexpected harmful effect. A diet that has harmful effects implies obvious harmfulness to something specific. The harmful effects of excessive alcohol consumption Note: The Indo-European verbal basis *neá ̧±- is also the source of a nominal radical attested as Latin nec-, nex « violent death, murder »; See Necro-. They mean similar things, but one denotes greater Middle English damage noxius, borrowed from the Latin noxius « guilty, delinquent, harmful, hurtful » (derived from noxa « hurtful behavior, harm, mischief ») + -us -ous; derivative noxa (perhaps with -s- as a desiderative suffix) from the base of nocÄre « to damage, injure, to hurt (persons) », back to Indo-European *noá ̧±-à iÌ ̄e- « to destroy » (with semantic weakening in Latin), hence the Sanskrit nÄÅá© yati « (he/he) destroys », causal derivations of a verbal base *neá ̧±- « to disappear, to disappear from existence, to perish », when Sanskrit nåyati with different degrees of ablaut « is lost, perishes », the Avestan nÄ satÐ « has disappeared, is lost », the Tocharian B näk- « to destroy », (with middle voice) « to disappear, to be destroyed ».

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