Legal Wedding in Dubai

In the UAE, all laws are based on Sharia law. It is an Islamic religious legal system that regulates all aspects of the country (public or private). Thus, there is a strict law in this nation regarding marriage and cohabitation of a man and a woman. Regardless of the religion and nationality of the couple, it is forbidden to live together unless they are married. The marriage allowance is regulated by Cabinet Decision No. 5 of 2017 on the Conditions, Legalization and Procedures for Liquidation of Marriage Funds (PDF, 400 KB, the decision is available only in Arabic). According to the resolution, an Emirati couple who meet certain criteria is entitled to AED70,000 from the government, which will be paid in one go. The marriage allowance applies to low-income Emiratis and welfare recipients. Marriage is usually a legal bond between two people. It is bound by a contract between the two parties. This is celebrated through a ceremony called a wedding. You may need a valid Emirates ID card to register and legalise your marriage in the UAE.

Therefore, it is not possible to get married in Dubai with a visitor visa. If you are getting married in Dubai; Here`s what you`d need with documentation and paperwork. And to make your life even easier; We put together; what a legal marriage would cost. The UAE follows Sharia law, which states that marriage is considered the only legal bond between a man and a woman that allows them to have a legal relationship. According to Article 365 of the UAE Penal Code, men and women are prohibited by law from living together or having consensual sexual relations. If people are caught in such circumstances, you can expect a prison sentence followed by deportation. If you are in love and intend to stay together, marriage is a legal requirement that you must meet. For non-Muslims who wish to marry in Dubai, the laws of their home country apply. Both spouses must have a valid visa or be residents of Dubai. If one of the spouses is in Dubai on a visitor visa, they must undergo a proper medical examination before getting married in the UAE.

The other legal requirements correspond to the general requirements mentioned above. There are many changes that can occur in the marriage legislation in the United Arab Emirates. The information we have provided in this article is intended to help all couples who want to get married in the country. If you wish to be able to understand the regulations regarding this specific area of law, we recommend that you contact the experienced marriage lawyers at Dubai Court Marriage in the United Arab Emirates. Our team of lawyers and legal advisors can help you with marriage in court in Dubai. Contact our team today! If you`re wondering where to hold the reception, there are a number of wedding venues in Dubai hotels that you can consider. Here are the main legal requirements for Muslim weddings: First of all, you should know that residency requirements are not essential to get married in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. For people to get married in Dubai, the paperwork takes almost 4 weeks. The age of men and women should be over 18, while the bride and groom should not be as related. There should be 2 witnesses present with their identity documents. Note that laws may vary from nationality to nationality.

Therefore, be sure to inform yourself at the embassy of your home country about all the legal requirements for marriage. In the event of a judicial marriage, Dubai courts offer online services for marriage applicants, where registration formalities can be completed on the online portal under eZawaj. Here are some of the legal aspects that should be respected to get married in Dubai: Marriage in the UAE for foreigners is not a new concept. Expats are allowed to get married in Dubai. Dubai is even hailed as one of the most desirable wedding destinations in the world. Several locations in Dubai can make your wedding a magical event. If you are planning to travel to Dubai? Knowing all the legal procedures for getting married in Dubai is just as important to you as anything else when planning your wedding.

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