Legal Revenue Definition

Revenue is also referred to as income in the income statement. It`s important for a startup to generate positive revenue from the start. Government revenue is the source of revenue that a government collects and feeds into its treasury and uses to pay its expenditures. « Tax Law. » Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 11 October 2022. The turnover of a company can be broken down according to the sectors of activity that generate it. For example, a recreational vehicle service could have a financing service that could be a separate source of revenue. Revenues can also be broken down into operating income – income from a company`s main activity – and non-operating income, which comes from secondary sources. Since these non-operational revenue streams are often unpredictable or one-off, they can be characterized as one-time events or gains. For example, proceeds from the sale of an asset, an unexpected gain from investments or an amount awarded in litigation are not operating income. In the case of government, revenues are revenues from taxes, fees, fines, interstate subsidies or transfers, sales of securities, mineral rights or resources, and any sales made. Turnover is money that is brought into a company through its business activities.

Sales are also called sales, as in the price-to-sales ratio – an alternative to the price-to-earnings ratio, which uses revenue as the denominator. Traders` profits are divided into gross profits and net profits. The first are profits without deduction of losses; The latter are the same profits after deduction of all losses. The amount remaining after deduction of all expenses from gross receipts. Applied to government revenue, it is a broad and general term that encompasses all public funds that the state collects and receives, from whatever source and in any manner. TJ. S. v. Bromley, 12 Comment. 90, 13 L. ed.

905; State V; Com`rs School Fund, 4 Kan. 268; Fletcher W Oliver, 25 Ark. 295. It also refers to the income of a physical or private company. Government revenue. State or national government revenues; Sometimes maybe that of a church. Tax law. A law that provides for the imposition and collection of a tax to cover state expenses is a tax law. These acts are commonly referred to as « revenue measures » and include all acts by which the government allocates funds to cover its expenditures. On the revenue side of the Treasury. The jurisdiction of the Court of the Treasury or the Treasury of the Supreme Court, by which it establishes and enforces the property rights of the Crown against the subjects of the Empire. Tax practice is not affected by the ordinances and provisions of the Courts Act 1875.

Mozley & Whitley. (6) Serious doubts have been expressed as to the relevance of the expected benefit of maritime trade. In some countries, such as the Netherlands and France, it is illegal to insure profits; but in England, the profits to be expected from a cargo of goods can be assured. In terms of real estate investments, income refers to the income from a property, such as rent, parking fees, on-site laundry fees, etc. If the operating expenses incurred in operating the property are deducted from property income, the resulting value is net operating profit. CAPTIVATING. Government revenues from taxes, duties and the like; And according to some correct lawyers, the idea of income also includes proceeds from the sale of shares, land, and other government-owned property. History, Const.

§ 877 Banknotes. Income also refers to the income of individuals and businesses. For not-for-profit organizations, revenues are their gross revenues. Components include donations from individuals, foundations and corporations; government subsidies; Investments; fundraising activities; and membership fees. Revenue is called the top line because it ranks first in a company`s income statement. Net income, also called final income, is income minus expenses. There is a profit if the income exceeds the expenses. In order to increase the earnings and therefore the earnings per share of its shareholders, a company increases its revenues and/or reduces its expenses.

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