Econometrics is the application of statistics and mathematics in the study of economics. In this subject, you will gain a basic understanding of econometric bases: linear regression models with a single explanatory variable (estimation, voucher measures, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and prediction), multiple linear regression models (estimation, fit voucher measures, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and prediction) and nonlinear regression models. Become an expert in international trade In this track, you will learn to understand and analyze the functioning of the global economy. Subjects include macroeconomics, mathematics and statistics (some of the most important content studied in an economics degree). In the fourth year, you will complete the Global Economics track by addressing key topics in advanced macroeconomics: intertemporal choice economic models, expectation and public policy models, labor market models, introduction to macroeconomic dynamics, etc. Train professionals in the field of social sciences and law and develop the necessary skills to address problems and propose solutions from a multidisciplinary perspective analyze. Would you like to work as a consultant in international politics, business or globalization? Would you like to be part of organizations such as UNESCO, WHO or the European Union? Training in these two specializations aims to provide knowledge and skills for economic analysis or political science, but with a clear focus on the growing importance of globalization. Should legal regulations take into account the economic impact? How are economic relations conditioned by regulatory frameworks? Are we creating the right regulation for new forms of economic activity such as the collaborative economy or large digital platforms? This course will help you understand the economic analysis of legislation – and thus help you answer the above questions. During your bachelor`s degree programmes in Global Governance, Economics and Legal Order, you will live and learn alongside people from many different countries. The mindset you develop will increase your ability to pursue a successful global career in multicultural environments. This topic concludes your studies. They analyze social reality from the point of view of economics, law and political science. The course includes an overview of the current state of the world and combines analyses of these disciplines.
At Esade you will find a degree that will allow you to specialize in international relations or economics and move from Barcelona to the best universities and institutions around the world. This theme is divided into two basic thematic parts. First, we will cover content related to international trade: explanatory theories of international trade, trade policy analysis, global trading system in the context of globalization, world production organization and trade integration processes. The second part of the theme covers topics such as the analysis of exchange rates and different exchange rate regimes, the international financial system and monetary integration mechanisms. What is the law? How are relationships regulated in social systems? Are there different options for the different legal systems of the world? And what are the differences? We will first address all these questions in this section. The European Union is an important player on the world stage, both because of its defence of certain values and its understanding of democracy, and because of its economic power. This section will help you better understand how the EU works and its relations with third parties. Companies, political parties, governments and most economic actors make decisions that affect third parties, but they are in turn affected by the decisions of competitors and partners. Can we predict the best strategy? Game theory is a fundamental tool to answer this question: in this subject you will learn game theory with applications in business, politics and international relations. Financial markets have an increasing influence on the economy, politics and international relations. This course introduces you to the main financial products and their characteristics, the functioning of financial markets and the relationships between financial markets, the economy and international relations. With the Bachelor in Global Governance, Economics and Legal Order, you will be one of these experts: you will be trained to analyze all types of international relations from a multidisciplinary point of view and to find solutions to conflicts encountered by public and private organizations in a global environment.
Understanding how the world works can help you influence the world, multiply your career opportunities, and make yourself invaluable to global businesses and organizations. Macroeconomics is the part of economic theory that examines global indicators: total income and employment, total income, level of employment, productive resources, balance of payments, exchange rate, and general price behavior. An understanding of macroeconomics will bring you closer to understanding macroeconomic policy. Topics include: macroeconomic variables, fiscal policy, the financial sector, recession and crisis. The Bachelor of Global Governance, Economics and Legal Order teaches you how to solve political, economic, and legal problems faced by governments and organizations around the world. Not only do you have a strong background in global governance, but you also have the added value of specialising in politics or global economics, as well as an in-depth knowledge of a geographical area of the world. The management and exploitation of natural resources is a central issue of national policy on the world stage.