El Peruano Normas Legales De Educacion

4.3 The regulations established by the Ministry of Education in the context of the health emergency caused by covid-19 for the development of study programs or professional cars under the mixed modality must take into account the regulations issued by the competent authorities. For the development of the face-to-face or mixed service, the schedule of moments is organized face-to-face and / or remote from each IE and educational program, favoring face-to-face time according to the characteristics of each IE and program of the territory. « . (c) Remotely. The IES and HEI student develops all credits of the study programme in virtual learning environments that are properly structured and monitored by the educational institution, provided that it is ensured that the students achieve the intended skills. The information should be sent to the supervisory staff or those performing their duties in order to determine the time of return of each student and to evaluate additional preventive measures in the training rooms. Axis 5 Comprehensive care for rural, indigenous, Afro-Peruvian and disabled populations: improvement of the conditions of educational institutions and programmes and promotion of parental and community participation. Priority 1 Restore and consolidate students` learning from basic education and return to face-to-face teaching: through a gradual, flexible, safe and voluntary return; Pedagogical strategies are planned for the development of skills, the reintegration and continuity of education, support and socio-emotional development and the improvement of infrastructure conditions in educational institutions in order to offer a diversified educational offer. – Chest X-ray: nebulous turbidity, often rounded morphology, with peripheral and lower pulmonary distribution. LEGISLATIVE DECREE ESTABLISHING PROVISIONS TO ENSURE THE CONTINUITY AND QUALITY OF THE PROVISION OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES IN INSTITUTES AND UNIVERSITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE HEALTH EMERGENCY CAUSED BY COVID-19 ARTICLE 1.- Declaration of emergency of the Peruvian education system President of the Council: Hugo David Aguirre Castaã±eda Article 5.- Each educational institution, according to its local context, they must try to create the best conditions, ensure health care and hygiene, for which they must comply with the regulations issued by the Ministry of Health. That the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all areas of social, economic and educational activities. Education is usually the first service to be suspended, so much so that from the age of 30.

March 2020, one hundred and sixty-six countries closed schools and universities throughout their territory, resulting in a change not only for students, but also for teachers and in general for all staff who are part of an educational institution; .

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