Bases Legales Y Eticas De Los Primeros Auxilios

A subject of great importance in first aid is the mobilization and transport of the wounded. There is no point in knowing about or applying treatments that allow us to reduce the risk of death or stabilize a person if we unduly mobilize them and revocably harm their humanity. It is alarming to note the rate of people who are taken to care centres after an accident, where it is found that the damage caused by poor resettlement is greater than that already occurred during the accident. In the event of an accident requiring first aid care, you, as a caregiver, must adhere to the following rules: The basis of many legal processes involving the use of first aid is negligence, recklessness and incompetence. These can be examined by the disciplinary courts of the faculties of medicine and lead to legally established sanctions. When it comes to the personal aspects of health, the most important planning tool is a living will (living will) on the health care you want to receive, including a living will, a power of attorney for medical matters, or both. For financial matters in general, the main legal instruments are powers of attorney for financial matters, a will and, in some cases, a revocable (or lifetime) trust. Together, these legal tools help guide and manage decisions that affect a person`s financial and health problems according to their wishes when they are no longer able to make them. The remainder of this chapter focuses on health care issues and health decision planning. It consists of any type of container – box, backpack, suitcase, etc. – easy handling and transfer with the minimum of equipment required for first aid.

The basic documents are: Legal power for medical matters Legal power for medical matters Living wills are legal documents that contain the wishes of the person signing them with regard to the decisions to be made in their health care if they are found. Learn more: A document that legally requires another person to make medical decisions on behalf of the person granting the power of attorney when the person is no longer able to make decisions about taking care of their own health. The designated person may be designated as a health worker or representative, health worker or other name, depending on the country. Every day we can suffer or experience sudden accidents or diseases that can threaten a person`s life. Every citizen has an ethical, moral and legal obligation to help those in need according to their resources and abilities; That is why you need to have a basic knowledge of first aid, its effects and limitations. On the other hand, it is very common for people to ask themselves a number of questions during first aid, such as: It should be borne in mind that if you are not acting in a state of emergency, whether by asking for help in the case of an unknowing citizen, a person with first aid training or a medical professional to make it a crime, you must act with intent and recklessness or guilt. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, also known as CPR, is one of the most commonly used and vital techniques in first aid, which has helped save many lives. They are part of the basic life support or sequence of measures taken to last the first few minutes of an emergency and are crucial for over-experience. Living will advance instructions are legal documents that contain the wishes of the person signing them with respect to the decisions to be made in their health care if they are found.

Read more: A document, sometimes called « Guidelines for Physicians, » that expresses a person`s desires for future medical procedures and end-of-life care when that person is no longer able to make decisions about taking care of their own health. A victim of cardiac arrest whose heart is still beating is more likely to be saved than a victim of cardiac arrest if first aid is provided promptly. Administering first aid before receiving professional medical help can reduce the severity of the burn, and immediate medical help for severe burns 3 can help heal and prevent disability and deformity. Living wills Living wills are legal documents that contain the wishes of the person signing them in relation to the decisions to be made in the event of discovery in their health care. Learn more: Documents or other records, such as a living will or power of attorney for medical matters, that communicate the person`s wishes regarding decisions about their health. First aid is understood as the immediate, adequate and temporary care applied to a person who has suffered an accident or sudden illness, at the scene of events and before being transferred to a health centre. This is the most important measure in first aid. Support or help should be sought before intervening by touching the patient`s body. The law has a lot to say about making personal decisions. For example, the patient is legally able to make their own decisions about the health care they want to receive.

However, poor health can compromise a patient`s ability to exercise their legal rights. This means that although a person does not know that there is an applicable regulation, in a first aid situation, this is not a reason to violate it. – In this procedure, information must be obtained from the medical history of the victim, such as: previous diseases, allergies, drugs that he is currently taking (or that have recently suspended its use), information that may be important (food ingested, dates or dates, date of the last menstruation), that occurred immediately before the accident, etc. – Put a bandage or pressure cure on deep wounds. (c) Effective: without aggravating or complicating the injuries of victims. v Effective: We must try to bring the victim to the care center in the best way we find him, and never in worse conditions. 1st degree: slight swelling of a malleolus (ankle). To provide emergency ventilation, keep the victim`s airway open, close the victim`s nostrils by squeezing with index fingers and thumbs to prevent the air you provide from escaping through the victim, take a deep breath, and seal your lips around the victim`s mouth to create an airtight seal. ü Monitor and record vital signs.

Perform CPR if necessary. Article 114 establishes the illegal practice of drugs by: – Respiratory system: It is responsible for the respiratory process that allows the exchange of gases between the body and the environment, so that the body absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. This system consists of the nose, rattle, bronchi and lungs. These are deeper lesions that affect the epidermis and dermis (second layer of skin). They are characterized by the appearance of blisters and there is usually a moderate degree of inflammation that can spread to unburned areas of the body. Clinical inability to make health care decisions: Inability to understand the benefits, risks and important alternatives most relevant to the health care proposals received, and to make and communicate such decisions determined by a physician or other qualified health professional.

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