16 Legal Drinking Age Countries

Take a look at the rest of the drinking age of all countries in the world on the map above or read on for more information. There are 11 countries, or 6% of our list, where any alcohol consumption is considered illegal, and there are quite severe penalties that accompany it. All but three of these 11 countries are located in Asia, and many of them are Islamic countries. The world`s most recent legal age for alcohol consumption is 15, with Mali and the Central African Republic allowing people to drink at the time. Seven countries do not have a government-imposed drinking age, while 11 countries completely ban alcohol consumption. The average (average) minimum legal age for alcohol consumption worldwide is 10.3 years. Ninety-six (96) countries/possessions have a minimum drinking age of zero. And among those with a higher legal minimum age for alcohol consumption, the average age is 18.6 years. Italy has set the legal age for alcohol consumption at 16, one of the lowest MLDAs in the world.

In 2002, then-Health Minister Renato Balduzzi proposed raising the minimum drinking age to 18. However, the sale of alcoholic beverages to children under the age of 18 on premises is considered illegal and carries a fine of 250-1,000 euros. The supply of alcohol to persons under the age of 16 is considered a criminal offence and is punishable by up to one year`s imprisonment. Despite the regulations, many minors enjoy alcoholic beverages, especially accompanied by their parents and at social events. But in other cases, parents are not allowed to legally provide alcohol to their children before the age of 21. Therefore, these state laws hinder law-abiding parents. They cannot introduce their young adults to alcohol in a controlled family environment. Some states allow the consumption of alcohol by minors if a family member agrees and/or is present. States differ greatly in which parents must agree or be present. In addition, under what conditions people under the age of 21 are allowed to drink. The most common age of alcohol consumption in the world may be a bit surprising as it is « none ».

Nearly half or 83 of the 178 countries (47%) on our list have no minimum age limit for consumption. However, many of these countries have a minimum age to buy between 14 and 20 years old. In these countries, minors of any age can have a drink in the comfort of their own home, but in public they are limited. Many of these countries have age indications on ABV or alcohol by volume, as well as the type of alcohol consumed. For example, in Belgium, beers, wines and cider can be purchased at the age of 16, but spirits can only be purchased by people over the age of 18. Some countries, such as Angola in Africa, do not have a national law prohibiting the sale of alcohol to minors. The application of the legal minimum age for alcohol consumption also varies considerably from country to country. And often within countries. In many countries, agents generally do not enforce the law unless there is abuse. He believes Congress should not punish states that have pilot alcohol education programs.

These would be based on a minimum age for alcohol consumption of 18 years. Very often, countries set the lowest legal drinking age. However, they do not set a minimum age for consumption. In fact, many alcohol consumption age lists actually use the purchase age for the drinking age! That is, compilers mistakenly assume that the age of purchase and the age of alcohol consumption are the same. Some states allow the consumption of alcohol by minors on private property. In some states, people under the age of 21 can drink in any private location. In other cases, it is only in private residences or only in the home of a parent or guardian. Sometimes minors who drink require the presence and/or consent of a parent or spouse of full age.

Which countries have a minimum age of 16 for alcohol consumption? Check out this list to discover all the countries where you can legally drink a beer at the age of 16. Want to know more about the legal drinking age worldwide? Check out the map below to find out the legal age of consumption in countries around the world! The legal minimum age for alcohol consumption is the minimum age at which a person can legally consume alcoholic beverages. The minimum age at which alcohol can be legally consumed may be different from the age at which it can be purchased in some countries. These laws vary from country to country and many laws have exceptions or special circumstances. Most laws only apply to alcohol consumption in public places, with alcohol consumption at home largely unregulated (one exception is the UK, which has a legal minimum age of five years for supervised drinking in private places). Some countries also have different age limits for different types of alcoholic beverages. [1] Most countries have a minimum legal drinking age of 18 or 19. [2] Of the 190 countries, 61% have an alcohol consumption age of 18 or 19 years.

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